Rail links strengthens China-Germany ties

The first China-Europe freight train from Shanghai was welcomed by Chinese and German officials and business partners in the German port city of Hamburg on Tuesday, and hailed as a boost to bilateral trade ties. Carrying 50 containers of goods, including garments, solar panels, auto parts and precision instruments, the so-called Shanghai Express travelled more than 10,000 kilometers, through the Alataw…


Chinese border railway port boosts coal imports amid power shortage

HARBIN – A railway port on the China-Russia border has boosted coal imports to meet the rising demand from power producers and heating suppliers in North China. The railway port of Suifenhe, in Northeast China’s Heilongjiang province, saw 36,600 tons of coal imported from Russia during the National Day holiday from Oct 1 to 7.…


China-Mongolia border port handles 8,000 China-Europe freight trains

HOHHOT — Erenhot, the largest land port on the China-Mongolia border, has logged 8,000 China-Europe freight trains since the cross-border railway service via this port was launched in 2013, according to the local railway authorities. The 8,000th train passing through the port has departed from Putian city in East China’s Fujian province for Malaszewicze in…


China-Laos train undergoes dynamic test

A bullet train started its dynamic test run along the China-Laos railway’s Lao section on Wednesday, another milestone in the journey to the railway’s opening. The test run is between Vientiane and Boten in Laos, said China Railway International, a subsidiary of China State Railway Group. Dynamic tests are an important part of vetting before…


China-Laos train undergoes dynamic test

A bullet train started its dynamic test run along the China-Laos railway’s Lao section on Wednesday, another milestone in the journey to the railway’s opening. The test run is between Vientiane and Boten in Laos, said China Railway International, a subsidiary of China State Railway Group. Dynamic tests are an important part of vetting before…


China Railway Construction to ramp up infrastructure in Africa

More projects by the SOE in pipeline to improve local livelihoods amid COVID With sport stadiums, highways and other projects completed and being operated in Papua New Guinea, Qatar and the Federated States of Micronesia in the third quarter, China Railway Construction Corp Ltd, a centrally-administered State-owned enterprise, is planning projects in Africa to help…


前三季度铁路投资下滑近8% 国铁集团称完成年度投资任务艰巨

全国铁路投资下滑幅度正在加快。2021年前三季度铁路固定资产投资累计完成5102亿元,同比下降7.8%,其中9月完成891亿元,同比减少10.18%。国家铁路局近日发布数据,显示上述内容。 2020年,全国铁路固定资产投资完成7819亿元,同比减少2.62%,这是铁路固定资产投资7年来首次低于8000亿元。如以去年完成水平看,前三季度,铁路投资仅完成全年投资的65.25%,低于去年同期水平。 中国轨道交通行业观察人士对《中国经营报》记者指出,按惯例,铁路投资会在下半年,尤其是第四季度爆发,投资会较上半年有大幅提升。2021年铁路投资走势究竟如何,仍需要观察,但市场人士普遍预期,2021年中国经济在适应“新常态”后,铁路投资放缓将是总体趋势,不会有超规模的增长,投资水平或很难超过2020年水平。 2021年10月11日,中国国家铁路集团有限公司(以下简称“国铁集团”)召开机关季度党建和经营工作会议。就铁路建设,国铁集团董事长陆东福表示,高质量完成年度投资投产任务仍然艰巨。他强调,要扎实推进重点在建项目,围绕解决西部铁路“留白”太多问题,开展规划项目前期工作,坚定不移推进铁路分层分类建设。 陆东福称,坚持保开通、保在建、保开工,安排年底前开通项目的开通准备工作和开通时间,实现依法合规高质量开通运营。川藏铁路年内实现全线开工。 2021年下半年以来,铁路固定资产投资下滑幅度一直维持在8%上下。6~8月累计投资下降幅度分别为8.26%、7.7%和7.23%;单月投资看,6~8月投资同比下降幅度分别为8.70%、4.77%、4.34%,9月下降幅度突破10%大关。 2021年铁路投资高开低走。一季度铁路投资高歌猛进,全国铁路固定资产投资完成1033.11亿元,同比增长29.3%。是自2013年铁道部撤销后,9年来一季度铁路固定资产投资最高峰。 二季度铁路投资呈现急速收窄,上半年铁路固定资产投资累计完成2989.49亿元,同比下降8.26%,也是近6年来,铁路半年投资首次未超过3000亿元大关,以单月投资额看,二季度各月增速全部为负增长。 从投产新线计划上看,亦可显示出未来铁路投资放缓的走势。据记者了解,2021年铁路新开通里程将继续下降,国铁集团计划投产新线3700公里左右,其中高铁1600公里左右,铁路与高铁投产里程将较2020年分别减少24.99%和44.83%,同时,高铁开通里程跌入6年来最低谷。 就全年经营目标任务,9月3日国铁集团召开全路电视电话会议,对全年预算目标进行了优化调整,称未来4个月,要打一场“坚守安全稳定底线、实现职工收入稳步增长,坚守盈亏目标底线、实现全年主要目标任务”的攻坚战。会议强调,要坚持客货并举,确保完成全年盈亏目标,完成全年主要任务。 就当前铁路投资规模,联合资信评估股份有限公司在《国铁集团信用评级公告》中认为,目前中国各地区单位面积拥有的铁路营业里程差异较大,京津及其周边地区、华北平原、沿海等地区的铁路密度较高,西部即内陆沿边地区铁路密度较低,区域发展仍不平衡。长期来看,中国铁路网络仍有待完善,未来路网建设仍有较大空间,行业投资规模仍将保持高位。 国铁集团《2020年度财务报告》显示,截至2020年底,国铁集团负债5.71万亿元,较上年同期的5.49万亿元增加4.01%;负债率微降至65.63%;国铁集团在建工程9392.11亿元,“十四五”期间,铁路在建、已批项目规模达3.19万亿元。截至2021年一季度末,全国铁路营业里程达到14.67万公里,其中高铁3.83万公里。 截至目前,铁路年度投资峰值为2010年,国铁集团前身原铁道部当年固定资产投资高达8426.52亿元。


Chinese-made bullet train makes public debut in Laotian capital

A Chinese-made bullet train set to operate between China and Laos made its public debut in Vientiane, capital of Laos, on Saturday, ahead of a test run. The train, with a designed top speed of 160 kilometers per hour, can carry around 720 passengers. Two such trains can be linked together to operate when necessary,…


Chinese-made bullet train makes public debut in Laotian capital

A Chinese-made bullet train set to operate between China and Laos made its public debut in Vientiane, capital of Laos, on Saturday, ahead of a test run. The train, with a designed top speed of 160 kilometers per hour, can carry around 720 passengers. Two such trains can be linked together to operate when necessary,…


China Railway Construction to ramp up infrastructure in Africa

More projects by the SOE in pipeline to improve local livelihoods amid COVID With sport stadiums, highways and other projects completed and being operated in Papua New Guinea, Qatar and the Federated States of Micronesia in the third quarter, China Railway Construction Corp Ltd, a centrally-administered State-owned enterprise, is planning projects in Africa to help…
